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Trade Waste Approval

There are a number of steps required when applying for approval to dispose of trade waste.

Fill in our Trade Waste form or email to arrange an onsite inspection with our Senior Plumbing Inspector. Essential Water’s written approval is required prior to commencing discharging liquid trade waste to its sewerage system.

Who Can Lodge an Application?

The applicant must be either the owner or the occupier of the premises. If the applicant is not the owner of the premises, the owner’s consent to the application is required. 

The Five Steps to Approval

Step 1 – Pre-application consultation

Contact us using our online form or email prior to submitting an application so an inspection can be conducted, and requirements can be discussed to ensure a successful application.

Step 2 – Complete and Submit the application

Complete the required application, with attachments. We can help you complete the relevant forms. Once your application documentation is complete submit it to Essential Water.

Step 3 – Application Assessment

Essential Water will assess the application against requirements for discharge.

Step 4 – Seeking written administrative advice

We may be required to seek written administrative advice from the Department of Planning and Environment.

Step 5 – Finalising the application

Application will be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. Dischargers will be required to enter into a Liquid Trade Waste Services Agreement.

What if there are changes to the original approval I obtained?

An approval to discharge liquid trade waste to Essential Water’s sewer is not transferable. Essential Water must be notified of a change of ownership and/or occupier in all cases, even when a new approval is not required, so records can be updated.

A new approval is required where there is a change of:

  • approval holder (either owner or occupier can be an approval holder)
  • activity generating the waste
  • the quantity or the nature of liquid trade waste
  • approval conditions.

If any changes have occurred, contact us on 13 23 91 or email

Application forms and attachments

More information

Schedule of Water and Sewerage Charges

NSW Dept of Planning and Environment

NSW Department of Industry

Broken Hill City Council