Trade Waste
Liquid trade waste is the waste discharged into our sewer system from any business that is not considered domestic in nature. This means all waste other than from a hand wash basin, shower, bath or toilet.
It includes all types of trade, factory, and chemical waste, for example hairdressing, dishwashing, disposal of oil from fast food outlets and restaurants, manufacturing and mining chemicals.
Waste from pump out toilets and caravan parks are also considered liquid trade waste.
Storm water or unpolluted water is excluded from the liquid trade waste classification, as these are not permitted to be discharged into the sewer system at any time.
Why do we need to worry about the disposal of liquid trade waste?
There are many reasons for why we must introduce a liquid trade waste policy. They include:
- To comply with NSW Government Policy
- To protect our environment
- To protect public health and safety
- To protect the health and safety of Essential Water employees
- To protect our assets
- To ensure the re-use of effluent or bio-solids is feasible
- To assist us to meet our statutory obligations
- To reduce the cost of operating sewerage treatment plants, and cost to our customers.
What is Essential Water doing about trade waste?
Following the requirements set out by the New South Wales Department of Planning and Environment, we have introduced a Trade Waste Policy that sets out the standards that customers discharging liquid trade waste into our sewer system must follow.
We require all liquid trade waste dischargers to complete an application form to obtain permission to discharge waste into our sewer system.
Depending on the type of business dischargers may undergo monitoring and sampling and must comply with all of the terms and conditions outlined in our Trade Waste Policy.
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